OMG My Book Is Now Available for Pre-Order (+ Cover Reveal)!!
EKKKKKKKKKKK! I'm so excited and nervous!!!!
I’m so excited and nervous that this day has finally come! As of today, my very first book—a graphic memoir entitled Mama Needs a Minute!—is available for pre-order. Here are the quick + easy order links:
In this deeply personal book, I use comics and illustrations to tell my motherhood story, which, as it turns out, is a very universal story about how so many of us modern mothers find ourselves drowning in motherhood and in being the primary caregiver *despite* being in what we thought of as an egalitarian, feminist relationship.
I can’t wait for you all to read it and I hope it makes you laugh, scream, and cry (in a good way, of course!!!).
If you can (#noworriesifnot!!!), please pre-order it for yourself and all of your friends + family members because as I’ve learned, pre-orders are SO important in determining a book’s future success/sales and because MAMA NEEDS THIS BOOK TO SELL SO SHE CAN JUSTIFY SPENDING 2+ YEARS OF HER LIFE WORKING ON IT (jk jk jk…*sort of*).
In all seriousness, I want as many people as possible to read this book because I truly believe in the topic and in educating everyone about the ways in which our societal structure and culture sets parents up to fail. Because my book is a comic memoir and is told through the framework of a personal story, it’s an extra-accessible entry point to deeper conversations about household inequity, parenting challenges, and the mental load of motherhood.
Everyone who pre-orders my book will get a free, laundry-themed “Coloring Booklet” that you can download and print at home; you can get yours once you’ve ordered the book by visiting the book page on my website and filling out the form at the bottom of the page.
What do you think of the cover? And if you pre-order please let me know in the comments and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!!!!!
Mary Catherine
Pre-ordered, all the way from Belgium! Can't wait!
Pre-ordered, even though I have to wait an extra month for it to be released in the UK! 😭